Dušan chcel pre syna bicykel, ktorý by s ním rástol - SHARVAN BIKE

Dušan wanted a bike for his son which would grow with him

Dusan wanted a bike for his son which would grow with him. He didn´t find any on the market so he has made one by himself.

Although he came up with an idea on 1st April, it was not a joke at all.

Parents´ concerns about buying a new bike when a child grows up may be a thing of the past. Dušan from the east of Slovakia has made a bike which can grow together with a child. He came up with this innovative idea five years ago when he was searching for a bicycle which would grow with his little boy.

In the report of Vladimír Buček, you can see how it all ended:


Source: https://tvnoviny.sk/domace/clanok/144828-dusan-chcel-pre-syna-bicykel-ktory-by-s-nim-rastol-nenasiel-ho-na-trhu-tak-si-ho-zostrojil

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