Why to choose the SHARVAN BIKE?


1. A bicycle that grows

You can share the bike with your children or friends regardless to their height or weight. A frame and handlebars are easy adjustable to the height so anyone from the age of 7 up to 99 can use it.

2. It changes colour

You can change the look of your bike within a few minutes. Adjust the colour according to the fashion trends or brand colours.

3. Easy folding

Our bicycles are easily foldable and that is why they are suitable for everybody – whether you need to carry it inside a car or keep it in the office.

4. Made in Slovakia

Development, production of components and assembling bikes – they are all pure Slovak business.

Ecological approach

As we focus on the environment, materials we use are fully recyclable.

Polansky design

We also offer original Robert Polansky frames.

100 % safe and reliable

Our bicycles have certification by Technický skúšobný ústav Piešťany.

Sharvan_Expo_Dubai (88 × 48 px)

Expo Dubai

Our SHARVAN bicycle was chosen as an official partner for its mobility at Expo Dubai.

Our results speak for themselves

+ 10.500

hours of development and testing

+ 33

years of experience

Innovation Action of the Year Award

3 rd place

Finalist of a National Prize

for a design in 2021

Customer references

Prečo sa rozhodnúť pre SHARVAN ?
Prečo sa rozhodnúť pre SHARVAN ?
Prečo sa rozhodnúť pre SHARVAN ?
Prečo sa rozhodnúť pre SHARVAN ?


Prečo si vybrať Sharvan bike?
Prečo si vybrať Sharvan bike?
Prečo si vybrať Sharvan bike? TUKE_PARTNERI
SHARVAN - Repairably testing


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    Have you got any questions? Message us and we´ll be in touch within 24 hours.

    Phone: +421 908 620 506
    Mail: hello@sharvan.bike


    Project M1 s. r. o.

    Ľubochnianska 2407/2

    080 06 Ľubotice

    Slovenská republika


    Bank account:

    UniCredit Bank CzechRepublic and Slovakia, a.s.

    Číslo účtu: SK83 1111 0000 0016 3629 2007

    IBAN: SK831111000000163629200

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